The recipe here is for my chia-berry jam, which is a lot less sweet than any normal jam or compote, but can be used in place of either. It is really versatile, great with toast, pancakes or natural yogurt, and will last in the fridge for up to seven days. Chia seeds are one of my nutritional heroes. They contain more Omega 3 ALA and dietary fibre than any food from nature. They don’t have a great taste, but you aren’t going to notice that with the flavour and natural sweetness of fresh berries, coconut water and dates. Yes there’s fructose in there; as with anything sweet, use sparingly.
3 Medjool dates, pitted, chopped and soaked for 15 minutes in 2 tbsp warm water
250g fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or your favourite combination)
3 tbsp chia seeds
Raw honey, maple syrup or coconut blossom nectar, to taste (as little as possible)
1. Blend date and water mixture in a food processor until smooth
2. Place all remaining ingredients into the food processor and blend until combined. If you like a smoother consistency, blend for longer
3. Taste the jam and add your favourite natural sweetener to desired taste
4. Transfer the mixture into a bowl and leave to set in the fridge to set for 1 hour minimum.