Posted In Breakfast, Recipe, Snacks

Super easy flourless egg muffins!

30th October 2015

Making muffins in this way – with lots of egg whites – may also help to put a smile on your face as studies suggest that consumption of egg white protein may increase levels of the amino acid tryptophan.


Making muffins in this way – with lots of egg whites – may also help to put a smile on your face as studies suggest that consumption of egg white protein may increase levels of the amino acid tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin which is a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of emotion, attention and memory, appetite and sleep. Yolks contain almost all the micronutrients so don’t throw them out. I use leftover egg yolk to coat white fish or chicken so breadcrumbs stick well when I’m making chicken fingers or fish goujons for my children. Or use it to make a quick carbonara pasta sauce or in an omelette another day.

Ingredients (makes 6 small muffins, serves 2)

3 eggs

150ml liquid egg white (3 eggs’ worth)

A handful of chopped lightly steamed or sautéed vegetables (any will work – experiment or just use what you have lying around. My favourite is mushrooms, spring onion and chives)

Optional: add a tiny amount of crumbled feta or cheddar cheese. I love this mixed with finely chopped dark leafy greens like spinach or kale.


Steam or sauté your handful of vegetables

Lightly grease a 6 part muffin tray

Whisk eggs and egg white together in a bowl, and pour into the muffin tray

Sprinkle the vegetables into the egg mixture. Add cheese if desired.

Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees

Serve with a salad, mashed avocado and chilli flakes or grilled asparagus. No reason why you can’t eat vegetables for breakfast. The British Association for Applied Nutrition & Nutritional Therapy (BANT) now recommends 7 a day in place of the old 5 a day: 5 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit every day. Get ahead on your veggie intake in the morning!

Photo credits: plate is part of the Halo range by Denby