Posted In Our kids love, Recipe, Snacks, Sweet treats

Coconut and chia seed flapjacks

10th February 2016

My recipe here is probably my favourite so far on the blog! I absolutely love these flapjacks and find it really hard to stop eating them so I don’t bake them too often.


One more time: natural sugars are still sugars. A young fitness blogger told me a while ago that she had gone “sugar-free” and managed to resist the urge to eat a Creme Egg by consuming what sounded like the entirety of a bottle of maple syrup mixed with raw cacao. I didn’t know quite whether to laugh or cry. Deliciously Ella brownies are still brownies. My coconut flapjacks are still flapjacks. You cannot eat limitless amounts of this stuff. It IS nutritionally superior to sweet treats baked with refined sugar but don’t let that knowledge cloud your judgement on portion control. Lecture over, here are the flapjacks! (My kids love these too BTW. This flapjack is a great way of getting omega rich seeds and MCT rich coconut oil into them. Flapjacks with no butter and no sugar but in my opinion taste better than traditional ones. N.B. These are very sweet. Remember your portion control…)


  • 90g coconut oil
  • 50g coconut blossom nectar
  • 80g coconut sugar
  • 130g rolled oats
  • 50g desiccated coconut
  • 30g sunflower seeds (I used to use pumpkin seeds but my daughter is currently rejecting “green seeds”. Toddlers are hilarious. I will win.)
  • 40g raisins (or other dried fruit. Chopped apricots, goji berries and cranberries are superior nutritionally. Again, toddler constraints.)
  • 50g nuts roughly chopped (I use cashews and pecans)
  • 2tbs chia seeds or ground chia seeds
  • 2tbs ground flaxseeds


Heat coconut oil and syrup in a saucepan over a low heat until it begins to bubble, stirring regularly.

Combine all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Once syrup mixture is heated, pour it over the dry ingredients and mix well.

Press mixture into a lined loaf tin and bake for 20 – 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Leave in the tin to cool before removing it and cut it into small squares or slices. Enjoy!