Here are my gluten free easter pancakes which kids and adults love! Instead of flour I use gluten free oats and high fibre oatbran. I guess it might be a Scottish thing, but unless I’m eating something made with eggs, breakfast is always some kind of oat-based creation. These are eggs (perfect protein) and oats together, with a great dose of healthy fats from coconut oil and chia seeds, plus some sweetness and potassium from fresh banana. The quantity below will serve two adults or three to four children.
- 4 eggs
- 4 egg whites (I use Two Chicks, or just separate my own and save the yolks for homemade mayonnaise or meatballs for my children)
- 6 tbs gluten free oatmeal/oats (finely ground Scottish porridge oats work best. I use Alara)
- 6 tbs oat bran (I use Bob’s Red Mill)
- 2 bananas
- 2 tbs ground chia seeds (use ground flax or any other ground seeds if you prefer)
- Coconut oil to cook
- To make high protein pancakes, add 2 tbs vanilla protein powder (I use Lomax Lean Development) and 2 tbs whole milk or almond milk
Blend all ingredients together with a hand blender or in a food processor. Heat 1 tsp coconut oil in a non-stick frying pan and fry in pancake sized amounts (approx 3 tbs mixture) one by one, checking there is enough oil for each new pancake (approx. 1 tsp per pancake). Serve immediately with maple syrup, berries and greek yogurt or your favourite pancake topping. Since it is Easter, feel free to make apple whiskers, mango ears, strawberry nose and raisin eyes so your pancakes look like bunnies. Or, as a special easter treat why not make some homemade choc-nut spread to drizzle on top? Melt an easter egg, and stir in almond butter to taste. Yummy!